The Call of the Open Sidewalk

From a place slightly to the side of the more popular path

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Wed, 27 Jan 2010

A Comment

Greg Moeller said:
I run normal incandescent in the main and second floor lights, motion sensors turn them on at about 5-10% for just a few seconds so you can walk up/down stairs without tripping. The kitchen has a compact florescent for dim lighting if you're grabbing water, also motion sensed. (5 minute timer on this one)
... which is a good point. You can use your regular lighting at a really low level at night especially if you can tell there is someone there. I guess incandescent is the only common type of lighting that this can work with.

I suppose I can generalize this a bit more. This is really all about low level lighting.

posted at: 16:08 | path: /ledlight | permanent link to this entry

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